Salina – underwater excursion

La secca del Capo a Salina, La secca di Pollara

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La secca del Capo a Salina

This is made up of a rocky area which rises up towards the surface, surrounded by depths of different hundreds of metres. The fishermen use three reference points to find this point: the Pollara Faraglione has to appear in the Punta Perciato’s hole, Monte Rosa has to be as one with Punta Castagna, while Scoglio della Nave has to make a “small channel” with Panarea, or rather form a “V” without being completely detached from the island’s slopes. You have to go down into the water to a maximum depth from 40 to 45 metres.

From here you will have a spectacular view of the shallow completely wrapped by a cloud of black “guarracini” which contrast violently with the whiteness of the rock and the sea’s blue. The  sea-bed is made up of large rocks, rich in cave fish. However, in respect of other  areas what changes here is the probability of sensational sightings of huge sized fish, especially open-sea species.

La secca di Pollara 

Arriving from Lipari, once having rounded the “Punta del Perciato”, you enter the spectacular Pollara bay. A geologist’s eye is not necessary to realise that you are inside an ancient, partly collapsed crater. The shallow “secca” is found a few hundred metres away.

Off the rock which emerges in the centre of the cove there are gigantic imposing rocks, more than 10 metres high and very close to each other, until forming a continuous, rocky structure: peaks, valleys, sandy paths at the base of the walls, similar to streams that run along a canyon.

Among the imposing rocks on the bottom beautiful actinia can be found, extensive colonies of yellow long-tentacled sponge, and beautiful rocky walls, enriched by the movement of yellow sea-urchins.
The rocky gorges are rich in conger and moray.


Salina ferry schedules

Routes and times updated in real time and refer to the current week.
From April to October, routes run much more frequently. We suggest you double-check the schedule a few days before your departure!


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